- the image resolution, usually expressed in number of dots per inch
(DPI), affects the size of an image when it is printed or inserted
into other documents (for example into an MS Word document). If you
change the resolution to a higher value, each pixel will become
effectively smaller, so the whole image, when printed or inserted
into some document, will appear smaller as well.
Choose the value you want to use for both horizontal and vertical resolution in this dialog.
If you select different values for the two, your image will become squished or stretched (which may be what you desire, you can use this as an effect). In general, a resolution that's evenly divisible into or by that of the final intended display device will produce the best results.
to the current image - uses the values here on the current image.
as default for future images captured from the screen - sets
the values here as those to be used from this point on.
Click OK to close the dialog and apply the changes you've defined here.
To print this topic, right-click this window and select Print.